Wolf Moon (Alpha Wolf Academy Book 2) Page 2
I arrived to see the door to Bash’s room ajar and paused as I registered the sounds of music and laughter pouring out. I’d met a lot of his friends in the months since we’d started dating, but I still wasn’t sure if they liked or approved of me. Especially the ones he shared with Daniella.
Part of me wanted to retreat, but the thought of Connor watching me hesitate drove me forward. I knocked gently and pushed the door open. “Hey,” I called out, still not seeing where the laughter was coming from.
I found Bash sitting at his desk with Darius and a guy whose name I thought was Dan but could be Stan, and Jeremiah, the occupant of the next room over. They were watching a video of skiing bloopers and didn’t notice me walk up behind them.
I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the grin that split Bash’s face. I hadn’t known him well before the attack but from comments I’d heard from his friends, he was quieter now than he used to be. I’d often wondered how much of that they blamed on me. I also wondered how much of it was lingering aftereffects from the attack. I was still dealing with the emotional and mental fallout, after all.
His laughter filled the room and my heart. I watched the way he interacted with his friends and felt such love for him that it swamped me.
He noticed me mid-laugh and reached out a hand automatically with his wild emerald eyes dancing. “Hey!” Bash tugged me forward, depositing me on his lap, and pressed a kiss to my lips.
“Get a room,” Jeremiah muttered with a straight face that broke a moment later. He grinned at me and slapped Bash on the shoulder, then leaned to look around me at the screen. “Look at that one!” A guy flew over a huge jump, did a flip, then landed in a heap of tangled legs and powder.
I winced and looked at their eager faces. “Do you guys want to break your necks?” We wolves were fast healers, but a broken neck wasn’t something you could come back from easily. I shifted to look at Bash with narrowed eyes. “Do not break your neck, you hear me?” At his swift nod of agreement, I kissed the tip of his nose and climbed off his lap.
“I will leave you boys to your videos and see you later. Turns out I forgot to pack for this trip and may only have dirty laundry so…” I trailed off with a shrug and left Bash and his friends with a saucy wave and a blown kiss.
I really did have laundry to do. Unlike my rich peers, who had their laundry picked up and laundered, I was poor. If I wanted clean clothes, I bagged them up, dragged them to the basement of my building, and did it myself. Resigned, I made my way back to my room, gathered clothes, detergent, my phone and earbuds, and headed downstairs.
I passed a few faces I recognized on the way down, some of whom actually smiled at me. It was strange, feeling somewhat accepted at a place I’d never expected to feel comfortable. I’d literally expected to feel like a duck out of water the entire time I attended. I definitely hadn’t expected to make a new best friend and meet the man of my dreams.
I swallowed uncomfortably, remembering my dream, and popped in my ear buds to let Rihanna distract me.
The basement of my building was just as posh as the rest of Alpha Wolf Academy. It featured a huge games room, complete with table hockey, a few billiards tables, pinball machines, and every type of gaming console you could dream of, hooked to the biggest tv in existence. Huge comfy couches were scattered everywhere, along with thick rugs that your feet sunk into. It was a past-time paradise and currently being occupied by no less than twenty students.
I skirted around them, hitching my laundry bag higher on my shoulder, and disappeared through a door tucked into the corner of the big room. A smaller room, lined with six industrial sized washing machines and six equally sized dryers. I swayed my hips to the rhythm of Ri-Ri’s music while I shoved my clothes into the machine closest to the door.
A tickle on the back of my neck stilled my hips and sent a shiver racing over my skin. I whirled around, wielding laundry detergent as my only weapon, and scanned the area as my pulse raced wildly. Slowly, I lifted my hand and pulled my ear buds out.
The room was long and rectangular with a single closet at the far end that spanned the entire width of one wall. If someone else was in here with me, that’s the only place they could be hiding. I hefted my weapon, which sloshed about reminding me that I was truly screwed if there actually was someone waiting to attack, and crept closer to the doors.
I brought Connor’s stupid lesson to mind, hating that he’d been right, and drew in a deep breath that identified several different detergent and fabric softener brands, including my own. Scent wouldn’t work here, so I went with my next best sense and tried to tune out the sound of the machines. After a moment, I growled, too frustrated and nervous to wait any longer.
I pulled door after door open as quickly as I could, losing an ear-shattering scream meant to strike fear in my attacker’s heart. A box of Bounce sheets fell to the floor at my feet, mocking me.
My breath shuddered out of my chest and I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, trying to calm my racing heart as heat rose from my toes to my cheeks like a wave of flame. There was no threat, no hidden enemy behind closed doors, just extra laundry supplies.
I turned my back on the closet, leaving the doors wide open in concession to the nerves that still danced down my spine and skidded to a stop. Five guys, all ready to battle to the death in my honor, stood just inside the door, eyes wide and fists clenched. The heat that had started to ease, rose again in startling intensity, setting my cheeks ablaze.
“I, ummm...” I said slowly, searching for something to explain my screams. Recognizing them as decent guys, I decided to go with “silly girl” instead of the truth. “I saw a rat,” I murmured with a shy smile. “Sorry for scaring you guys.”
They lowered their fists and moved into the room with easy smiles, assuring me they’d take care of the beast. I put on my best performance, even though it galled on a bone-deep level to act as if a rat or anything less than fear for my very life would cause me to scream like I had. They accepted my story because it was easier than questioning my motives, and went back to their games.
I stood in the door and glanced at the washing machine timer, then set my alarm for half an hour so I would remember to switch my clothes to the dryer. With one last suspicious look at the closet, I closed the door and tried to ignore the icy cold fear that still chilled the back of my neck.
Chapter 3
I accepted Bash’s hand as I stepped out of the school van and gawked at my surroundings.
“Holy shit,” I muttered, then bit my lip to stop any other vulgarities from slipping free. I’d been living amongst the rich and famous-by-extension for four and a half months now and should have gotten used to the opulent and ridiculously expensive, but apparently, I hadn’t.
The inside of the private plane hangar was slick and posh, the two words that jumped to mind. I scanned the huge open space as covertly as possible. It was filled with long, sleek private planes with their hatches open, ready for unimpressed students to board. Alpha Wolf Academy’s emblem, a W surrounded by two A’s was painted impressively on the side of the gleaming white surface. I wondered absently what the human world thought the symbol stood for.
I blew out a slow breath and forced myself to stop staring, even though it was incredibly hard. My stomach twisted with unease. This wasn’t my world. This wasn’t even close to being part of my world. Every wall was a blinding white, unmarred by even the smallest of blemishes. It was actually hard on the eyes to look straight at anything, so I shifted my gaze to Rory and found her watching me with amusement dancing in her dark eyes.
“Your small town is showing a bit,” she said in a husky whisper then bumped against me with a grin.
I blew out a slow breath and fixed a smile on my face to hide my discomfort and thanked the Old Ones for Rory. Finding her had made life here at AWA possible. Well, her and Bash. Leaving my two best friends behind in Newfoundland had been one of the hardest things I’d ever done, until I’d survived the massacre last term,
Since then, life had gotten a lot more complicated. The nightmares had started immediately and were hanging on determinedly despite my bi-weekly sessions with Dr. Mira, the school psychologist. She was nice, I thought, and really listened, but I was still pretty messed up. When I joked about my new “dark soul” she’d remind me to give myself time and leeway to just be me. She also told me every session that it was okay to cry.
“That plane is insane,” I said in quiet awe as Rory hooked her arm through mine. I looked past the first plane to count the others. “The school owns five private jets?” I asked incredulously.
“Actually,” Bash said, joining us with his hands full of designer bags, “they have eight. Two left already and one is reserved for faculty.”
My brain boggled. I shook my head and wondered for the millionth time how this was my life now.
Bash put the bags down on the concrete floor and reached into his satchel. “Here, this will make you feel better.” He placed a little bag of assorted candy in my hand and picked up the bags again. “Let’s go find some seats together.”
I looked down at the bag and felt the familiar warmth that filled me every time Bash did something sweet, which was almost every day. He’d noticed my stash of sweets one day and joked about my sweet tooth, but that had been over a month ago. He’d even remembered my favorites.
“He’s a keeper,” Rory murmured as we started towards the second plane. Her hand lifted and I turned to see Darius approaching with a wide smile and eyes that only saw Rory.
“So is he,” I whispered a moment before she broke away from me and rushed to meet her boyfriend.
We found seats near the front of the plane and settled in after stowing our bags in the overhead compartments. Bash took the window so I could be next to Rory, who sat with Darius in the two seats across the aisle from us. Everything was perfect until I saw Connor slide into the seat right behind me.
I stiffened, enough that Bash felt it and turned to me with surprise glinting in his emerald eyes. “You’re afraid of flying?”
“Not really,” I deflected and focused on opening the bag of candy. “I just prefer having two feet or four paws on the ground.” I popped a Swedish Berry into my mouth and hummed happily as the sweet flavor melted on my tongue.
I held the bag out to Bash, who dug out a few chocolate ones with sprinkles, then reached across the aisle to give Rory and Darius their choice of candy.
I did not offer Connor any.
Takeoff was smoother than any takeoff I’d ever experienced, which made the hand that Bash offered unnecessary, but I wasn’t going to look a gift hand-hold in the mouth.
His thumb rubbed slowly over the skin of my hand, warming my blood and arousing the needs that I’d been pushing down for far too long. I leaned my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes, enjoying the sensations even the slightest touch evoked in me. I imagined how much more delicious it would be once we found a moment alone.
If we ever found a moment alone.
I felt fingertips trace my forehead and push back a lock of hair that was drooped over my face. I blinked and opened heavy eyelids, and saw Bash watching me with a soft smile lifting the corners of his lips.
“You fell asleep,” he explained, then pushed the blind on the window up. “We’re here.”
I covered my mouth and yawned wide enough to crack my jaw, then leaned forward to stare out the window with renewed surprise.
“That’s the ski lodge?” I asked in hushed reverence.
I didn’t know what I’d been expecting, a big log building with cottages and an impressive slope, but whatever it had been, this wasn’t it. This was a palace.
The tarmac stretched to the west of the lodge which was built in a huge circle with steep slopes, groomed with fluffy powder snow and thick evergreens, in the background. Tall buildings that looked like condominiums circled a central stone building that looked like a church or a library, something stately and old. We were still too far away from the lodge to see clearly.
I sighed in pleasure and decided to embrace the opulence. Bethany and Sara were going to flip when I told them about this place.
There was a shuttle waiting for us as we stepped off the plane, even though the gates to the lodge were within walking distance. With a shrug, I boarded the shuttle and took a seat next to Rory. Bash shot me a sexy grin and sat next to Darius in the row behind us. I decided not to notice where Connor sat.
“So, are we going skiing right away or do you guys want to hang out for a bit first?” I asked, twisting in my seat to include Darius and Bash in the discussion.
“Skiing,” the guys answered at the same moment then exchanged looks of approval.
“What about you?” I nudged Rory, who’d been uncharacteristically quiet, I realized, since I’d woken from my nap on the plane.
She shrugged. “I’m not sure I feel like skiing right now. But you guys should go up without me. I’ll join you later.” She offered a smile that didn’t quite make it to her eyes.
I watched her for a moment, then nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I think I’ll sit this first run out as well. You two go bro it up and get whatever this is,” I said, waving my hand in their grinning direction, “out of your systems before we do a run.” They bumped shoulders and started telling stories of other ski trips and the awesome jumps they’d made in the past.
“Hey,” I murmured, keeping my voice low. “What’s up?”
Rory swallowed and blinked her eyes several times as she turned to look out the shuttle window. “Nothing,” she said quietly in a voice that hinted at barely held back emotion.
I let it drop, knowing the signs of a near cry. Rory would be mortified if the tears I sensed actually broke free. So, I left her alone and watched as we drove through the gates of the Alpha Wolf Academy ski lodge.
One of the professors from AWA, an old man who I think taught philosophy stood up and addressed the group as we pulled to a stop inside the gates. “Your room assignments have been emailed to your school account along with the mandatory itinerary of events scheduled for this trip. Please review the information.” He scanned the group and sighed as if that much instruction had been exhausting and turned to get off the shuttle.
I pulled my cell out and checked the top email, then grinned when I saw that I was sharing a room with Rory, as we’d requested. “We’ve got a room together,” I said, hoping that would cheer her up.
She smiled but it was forced and unnatural.
I stepped off the shuttle with my bag in hand and shielded my eyes from the glare of the sun on the pristine snow while the others joined me.
“This place is gorgeous.” I sighed.
“So are you,” Bash whispered just over my shoulder as his arms slipped around my waist and tucked me neatly into his body.
I melted into him, loving the way his touch made all my nerves settle. It was like magic. I twisted in his embrace and lifted onto my toes to capture his warm lips. He tasted of the dark roast he’d drank on the way to the plane and chocolate-covered almonds. I hummed in appreciation and darted my tongue out to savor him.
His hands tightened on my waist and I felt the shift in the tension between us. He pulled back incrementally and murmured my name softly. I opened my eyes and stared up into the storm of arousal and need in his emerald greens.
“I know,” I whispered, denying the urge to forget the rest of the world and pull his mouth to mine again. “Soon,” I promised huskily as renewed frustration for my situation welled inside my chest.
A muscle in his jaw jumped and, for a moment, I thought he’d cart me off to his room. Then he blew out a long breath and pressed a kiss to my lips. “It’s a date.”
I followed Rory to the elevator since she knew the lodge and I had no sweet clue where anything was. It was spacious and lavish, lined with mirrors and gleaming metal, but it closed in around me as Connor followed us in and waited, silently, while I tried not to reveal how ver
y much I hated his guts.
Our room was on the top floor, down a long corridor lined with thick carpet and beautiful paintings. I checked the email again for the door code and punched it in before Connor finally spoke.
“Elena.” His voice, so familiar, made me freeze with my hand on the doorknob.
I gritted my teeth together and exhaled quietly, centering myself as much as possible, then turned and cocked an eyebrow at him in my best imitation of Daniella. She had haughty bitch down to a science. “Yes?”
Something flickered in his pale blue eyes, amusement or annoyance, it was hard to tell. It disappeared almost immediately, and he was again The Sisterhood’s man. He gestured to the door across the hall. “This is your team’s rooms. Either Rodney or I will be on duty at all times. You are not to sneak out or try to slip away without protection.” He paused. “Your life is too important.”
I stared at him, wondering how I could have ever trusted him with my heart, with my innocence, and felt my stomach turn. I’d given him everything I was and he’d broken me… for a time. No fucking longer, though, I thought.
I managed a curt nod but no more because I was certain that if I so much as opened my mouth to respond, everything I’d wanted to scream would spill out. I reminded myself that I was stronger than that, even if it would feel satisfying to grill his ass.
Instead, I pushed the door open, turned my back on him, then reveled in the satisfaction of shutting the door in his stupid face.
Rory slapped a hand to my arm and hissed, “That was perfect!” Her dark eyes sparkled again and I was glad that my pissiness had boosted her mood. “Old Ones, I’d love to smack the smirk off his face.”
“I’d pay good money to see you do that.” I put my bags down and took a good look at the room. Instead of two beds, as I’d expected from my experience staying in hotels, there was a living room, with a huge sofa, two wing back chairs, and a crackling fireplace. A drool-worthy kitchen that gleamed sat in the corner next to a dining table that would easily fit ten. “Um… I thought this was our room. Did we get the wrong place?”